
梦魇 2024-07-24 悬赏15金币 已收到1个回答



( A)
The boy is Bill.He has two friends,Peter and Mary.For breakfast,they all like eggs.Bill doesn’t like dessert for breakfast,but Peter and Mary do.For lunch,Peter and Bill like hamburgers,but Mary doesn’t.For dinner,they all like vegetables.Mary likes to eat tomatoes,bur Bill and Peter don’t.阅读上面的短文,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F
( )46.They all like dessert for breakfast.
( )47.Bill doesn’t like eggs for breakfast.
( )48.Mary doesn’t like hamburgers for lunch.
( )49.Bill and Peter don’t like vegetables for dinner.
( )50.Mary likes tomatoes for dinner.
Come here and look at these pictures.This is a picture of a man,Mr.Brown,and a boy,Jim Brown.Mr.Brown is Jim Brown’s father.And Jim Brown is Mr.Brown’s son.That is a picture of a woman,Mrs.Brown,and a girl,Mary Brown.Mrs.Brown is Mr.Brown’s wife (妻子) and Mary Brown’s mother.Mary Brown is Jim’s sister.
( )51.Mary’s father is ________.
A.Jim B.Jim Brown C.Mr.Brown
( )52.Jim’s mother is ________.
A.Mary B.Miss Mary C.Mrs.Brown
( )53.Jim Brown is ________.
A.Mary’s sister B.Jim’s brother C.Mr.Brown’s son
( )54.Mr.Brown’s daughter is ________.
A.Jim’s sister B.the wife of Jim C.Mrs.Brown
( )55.The two pictures have ________ people.
A.six B.five C.four
This room is not big but nice.There’s a bed,a desk and some chairs in it.The desk is next to(靠近) the window.On the desk,there is a book,a ruler and some cakes(糕点).The bed is next to the desk.The pants and a jacket are on the bed.The pants are green.They are new.The jacket is yellow.It’s new,too.Under the bed ,there are some shoes and two balls.This is Susan’s room.She’s a good student.
( )56.The desk is _____ .
A.next to the window B.next to the desk C.next to the bed
( )57.The pants are _________ and the jacket is _______.
A.yellow; green B.green; green C.green; yellow
( )58._________ are new.
A.The desk and the pants B.The trousers and the shoes C.The pants and the jacket
( )59.Susan is __________.
A.a teacher B.a boy D.a girl
( )60.This room is not ________.
A.nice B.big C.small
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