
2022-07-06 悬赏16金币 已收到1个回答


Abstract: Relative to the exam-oriented education, the quality of high school mathematics education is in line with the education law of the higher education level, and higher quality education. We should strive for the goal of quality-oriented education of high school, in line with education law and the laws of physical and mental development of students to develop a comprehensive approach to the development of high-quality personnel.We have to combine academic education, to implement high quality mathematics education. In the academic education, the importance of students,teachers and teaching methods should be paied attention.Key Words: high school ,mathematics, the quality of education摘要:相对于应试教育来讲,高中数学学科的素质教育是符合教育规律的更高层次、更高水平、更高质量的教育.(剩余3363字)
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