
绿时芒迟 2022-01-17 悬赏金币 已收到1个回答



As far as I can remember,the only time something strange happened was long time ago when I was on my way home.Suddenly,I felt that my body travelled through time and space to an unknown place.At that time,I felt nervous and adventurous.It seemed like a quest to me.However,as I walked along,I felt very strange for two reasons.Firstly,there was no other person around.Secondly,the scenery never changed.As a result,severe coldness arose in my heart,making me feel that I was deserted by the world.At that moment,because of the coldness and the original fear,I was wakened.Then,I looked around and realized that it had just been a dream.At the end,it was because I was too tired.已按照要求意译,
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