英文翻译。完形填空10%Henry is a strong boy. He likes playing football

Henry is a strong boy.
He likes playing football after school .
So he does not have time to do his homework.
He asks his father to help .
The man likes his son very much and agrees, so Henry ’s homework is the best in his class.
His friends don’t know why and ask him the reason(原因).
He says“My father and I are the cleverest in the world.”
It’s half past seven .
Henry goes to see his friend Mike after supper.
He wants to play foot-ball with him.
The boy is sitting at the desk and reading a book.
“let go and play football.”says Henry.
“But I can’t find my homework. ” says Mike.
“It’s very hard. you say you’re the cleverest, can you tell me what animal is the biggest in the world?”
Henry does not know it.
But he says,“ That’s one of the questions my father knows! ”
Pairs is a very nice city.
Mrs Curie often goes there and has a good time.
Mrs Cuire is old and very forgetful(健忘的),
so she often can’t find her way.
Now she sees a man near a bus stop.“I can ask him the way.”
she says. “Excuse me,”she says in French.
“But can you tell way to Nortre Dame du Paris(巴黎圣母院),please?”But the man doesn’t answer her.
He doesn ’t know French.
He is Australian!
Then he puts his hand into his coat and takes out a small book.
He opens it and finds a phrase(短语).
He reads. “I’m sorry. I don’t know French.”
1.How does Mrs Curie like Pairs?
She likes it very much.
2.Mrs Curie wants to go to(a great church in Paris)
3.Where is the ma from?
He is from Australia
4.From the text we know(the man doesn’t tell Mrs Curie the way )
5.What language does the man speak?
Mr. Moon is going to visit a rich man.
He sees a box of good apples by the road.
He says,“I don’t want to eat these apples because the rich man will give me much food.”
So he throws them away. He comes to a river.
There is so much water in the river.
He can’t go over. He stands there for a few minutes.
Then he says to himself,“I can’t go to the man’s house today,
because I can’t cross the river.”
He begins to go home. He has nothing to eat.
He is very hungry.
So he comes to the box.
He Picks the apples up and eats them quickly.
你拦得住时间么 2021-05-15 悬赏5金币 已收到2个回答



Henry is a strong boy.
He likes playing football after school .
So he does not have time to do his homework.
He asks his father to help...



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