英语小作文 把爱传递出去今晚就要啊!多少字都行,但别太少!阿里嘎多

嚼着炫迈去追 2020-09-16 悬赏10金币 已收到1个回答



Love is everywhere,a man who knows how to love others,life will be surrounded by love..Love the way diversity,that is about to see how we go.Spring-like be loved,love the people like summer,love,let us together to gather together to pass love!Love is in the surrounding.On one occasion,I go home by bus,the car has a lot of people,very crowded,but I grabbed a seat (my in the mind secretly happy with).I took out my MP3 player,listen to music,as if everything around is nothing to do with me.Suddenly,a nasty brake,the car violently shaking,make I hit my head on back a car,which makes,I notice that I stood next to a woman,her child in her arms the brakes just now made her almost slip,my heart have one thought:put the seat to the woman.However,the bus is so crowded,stand is not sick?Suddenly a nasty brake,the aunt to save her child in her arms on me.I resolutely decided to take MP3,stood up and said to the aunt:"auntie,you come to me sit down." Thanks aunt happy,overflow the happy expression on his face.Standing but for me,although very uncomfortable,pull the armrest,hand very soft,but my in the mind have a kind of say a happy,long time no to pacify.Love is near.One day early in the morning,because I want to be clean,so I went to school very early and mother daddy also in warm bed?After I said goodbye to them,and went away.When I came to school,suddenly found forgotten my key card,thinking about how so my memory is poor,I turned around; See a familiar figure,a carefully look,turned out to be a dad.He came in front of me said,"remembering you,quick go in." And turn around,travel-stained ran home.At this moment I couldn't help but nose acid,because dad is wearing pajamas,braved the cold wind send me to.Love is a little thing,with your careful observation,will feel great.Let's collect love,let us love,let the world everywhere full of love.
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